I got to spend some time with my mom. Walking together has been really terrific. It gives us a chance to just be mom and son.
Dad and mom came by for a visit. That was really great! I love hanging out with them.
Chelsea and I did lunch yesterday!
Yesterday I finally got to see my eye doctor. My right eye has been a mess. Turns out that my right eye is now extremely far sighted and that funky spot that I see in there is really there. It seems that I have a "mass" in my eye that is reshaping my eye, and thus the vision. It was really no surprise. My eye doctor and I agree that while we could run a truck load of tests, we're each quite confident that its the cancer. So, until I get the really thick lens for my right eye, I get to be a pirate. I were a patch to keep my vision single (no double vision). It helps, but I lose my depth something fierce. I've pretty much quit driving. It scares me too much now since I can't see worth a darn.
Coming up... the cruise is in about 2 or 3 weeks. Rhiannon is taking me to see Rush... a daddy daughter event. My sister's family and I are going to ice cream tonight. Rick is coming up on mom's day for a visit and we're going to try and get together. Chelsea has been meeting up with me for lunch from time to time.
I'm tired a lot. Seems like I get a day that is really good, and then 2 that I'm really tired. I'm in great spirits, just pooped out.
Now for bravery...
I had an anonymous post cheering me on for my bravery (very short form for a very nice comment). The sad thing is, I think those close to me are much braver than I am. To tell the truth, I try to keep my attitude up, but it can get scary. But for my family, it's so much harder... at least from my perspective. I mean, really, how do you spend time with a loved one without being so scared? Each visit leaves you wondering how many more you might get... how many more opportunities you get to do things, or to even say goodbye?
I'm not so brave... those who take care of me... family and friends... they're the brave ones.
Hey Stan- I've finally written to both of the emails I have for you. Answer when you can, OK? Guessing you look a bit crafty with the eye patch!