My right eye is a mess. I get sea sick using the computer.
Email is nearly impossible.
Facebook is a drive by at best.
For the first time in 30 years, I do no own a car. With my eyes and the meds, I was just scared to death that I was going to hurt someone. Now, I don't have that worry.
I'm currently working with Hospice, taking between 5 and 10 meds trying to find a comfort level in pain management that also allows me to be functional. It seems like it's going to be either one or the other but not both at the same time.
Mom and Dad and Sis have been a terrific help, they come by for visits often. I have to watch those too, though, as they take a toll on me too.
I'm trying to learn to ask for more help. That is so very hard for me to do. I'm a "I can do it myself" kind of guy. Asking for help just bites.
Ok.. I'm pooped now. Time to take of the eye patch and see if I can get Un-sea sick.