I was having fits with my belly while at work. My former employer has a really interesting training program. Pretty much they (programmers) throw new software applications at you and disappear like a fart on the wind. "Good Luck lil buckaroo! We've removed ourselves from app support!"
Yeah.... so I have this nasty freaking belly ache.
My doctor prescribes some meds to get me through the bull shit.
My doctor sends me in for some tests to make sure I'm not just stressing out.
During my ultrasound, a 9mm mass was detected on the left lobe of my liver.
I went in for a CT scan to confirm the mass, and Yup... it was indeed there.
I was scheduled for a colonoscopy (my 3rd in the last 8 years). They found polyps again... but the doctor I saw indicated these were "hyperplastic and not cnacerous".
So, where I'm at now is to figure out what body component passed the cancer over to my liver.
My doctor has me moving on to other doctors to further address this issue.
Needless to say, I'm freaked out beyond belief.
the "real world"
13 years ago
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