Good: We got a hammock! I've always wanted one and it's freakin great!
Bad: One of the cats ran off.
Bad: Finding out that you aren't 15 anymore is not a good thing to find out when you literally fall on your ass jumping off the back fence while looking for your cat that ran off.
Good: The cat came back after a "night out".
Good: My girlfriend said, "It wasn't your fault" when the cat split, and she meant it.
Bad: My computer took a shit.
Good: I can still muster enough mental horse power to actually rebuild it.
Bad: I have WAY too many usernames and passwords.
Good: I got to spend a few hours working with my dad on a little sidewalk project.
Good: Got to talk with my friend Dr. Macsalka. I haven't spoken with her for a long time.
Bad: I felt like I was struggling to get the words from my brain to my mouth. It just wasn't coming out right.
Good: I like Windows.
Bad: Could they make just one freaking update? These updates are bloated BIG time.
Good: I like World of Warcraft.
Bad: Could they make just one freaking update? These updates are bloated BIG time.
That's 6 good things, 6 bad things. Hey! I'm pretty balanced! Now if I could just balance out my mood swings :-)