Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Facing a day...

There are days that I just wake up and say, "grrr".
Yesterday was one of those days.
I woke up tired and pissed for no apparent reason.
Went to work and got really frustrated with a co-worker.
I mean really, why can't everyone have a work ethic?
Though I can't really be that way, I wonder what would happen if I followed the accepted example?

Today, I'm facing a new day.
My belly hurts from spinach, I think. It's the only new food I've added to my current munching list.
I don't want to do anything but hide today.
So, I'll be going in and hiding at work trying not to lose my cool like I'm so well known for.

Oh! One good thing from yesterday.
I did the math.
My hourly wage from insurance benefits is about $106.25. Granted, I'm spending all 17,000+ a month in chemo, but it was kind of fun to put a dollar figure to the benefit package.

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